July 5, 2009

Day 21 - Driving to Pennsylvania

Woke up today to rain and after finding a cache in WV (after DNFing another one), we headed for PA. It was cool, driving through the WV mountains and seeing the mist/fog all around.
Along our drive, we came across some carnival trailers. Here's the pizza trailer, there were also cheesteaks and fries trailers.

Got caught up in some very slow holiday traffic going through Maryland and after not listening to our auto GPSr and taking another route (a better way at that), we made it to PA.

Welcome to Pennsylvania, our halfway point

We pulled into Garden Spot Village about 9:30pm, with our trip (CA to PA and everywhere in between) odometer showing:
Here's a map of the route (more or less) we took. Not quite directly from CA to PA!

And finally, here's our States Found map, we plan on hitting the missing states on the way back to CA.

We'll be spending time in PA for about a week, mostly just relaxing so we'll see if I have anything exciting to post. Thanks to everyone for all the great comments and for following along with us on our adventures across the USA!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your map is amazing! Fun reading your adventures. We won't be in Wisconsin until Aug...dang! If you end up in SW area, let me know. Envious of your trip.